Sunday, December 14, 2014

Abuse in the NFL

Hi Guys this was post had the opportunity to save from the other blog that I had last month before it somehow got deactivated. I hope you guys enjoy it

The National football league has experience some major changes. One of those major changes happens to be the implementation of the domestic violence policy. Since this policy has been put into effect many of the players are facing charges and have even been terminated from the league. The NFL implemented a domestic violence initiative under the personal conduct policy that calls for a six game suspension for the first offense and a lifetime ban for the second offense. The most infamous case of our time now is the Ray Rice case. He was suspended indefinitely by the Baltimore Ravens on September 8, 2014 for knocking his fiancé unconscious and dragging her off an elevator. When the incident first occurred he informed his coach and was only suspended for a few games. Then it seemed like when the preseason started he was then suspended indefinitely. I personally think that he was only suspended because it was revealed that the coach knew about the situation.My whole issue with this case is why suspend him indefinitely
months later when the preseason and season is about to start. I honestly think that the coach was going to defend him until it was revealed that he knew of the situation and what happened on the elevator. I honestly think that his contract was terminated due to his coach now being caught up in the triangle and being in the media. I believe that the policy states that the first offense is a 6 game suspension and the second offense is a lifetime ban(termination). I believe that this is a first offense so why is he not a Baltimore Raven anymore?
I personally think that this is the best thing that the NFL has ever done. I think that this policy will be a solution to helping prevent domestic violence. Not only will it prevent domestic violence occurring in the professional spots industry but in the world. Fans tend to pick up the habits of their favorite athlete, rappers singers and so on. I think that if they see less violence the better everyone would be off. I’m not taking sides I do think that Ray could have tried to work things out with his then fiancé now wife. I think he should have tried to keep his cool and calm down and try to talk to her and calm her down. I don't condone men putting their hands on a woman and I don't condone women putting their hands on a man. I don't agree with what the NFL has done to him I believe that he should be given that second chance. I think that it is only fair that his contract is renewed and that he is gets back on the field, but if he decides to do it again then ban him for a lifetime.As a woman that hopes and dreams of dancing on the football teams and managing players I think that its not write to violate and abuse women but I do think he deserves a fair chance.
apology-ravens! violence-penalties!

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

women and fitness

The Quintessential woman

quintessential (ˌkwɪntɪˈsɛnʃəladj1. most typically representative of a quality, state, etc; perfectˌquintesˈsentially adv

To be a quintessential woman is to take on any task and perfecting it and achieving beyond. Women represent beauty and grace. In the entertainment industry women are often viewed as sexual objects based on their physical appearance. It is very rare that they are looked at for their work in music, dance, sports or fashion. Sexuality plays a major part in the industry. I noticed that in sports a lot more women are showing up in on the field interviewing players and bringing you updates during the game and on players injuries. I also noticed that there are more women showing up on ESPN and sports radio shows. I was just used to seeing women in uniforms dancing and keeping fans on their feet during the games. 

Seeing women like Sage Steele who in a male dominated sports industry is a sports anchor on ESPN sports center. She is one of the few women breaking down the play-by-plays on air. There is also Jenny Taft who is a reporter and update anchor for FoxSports1, before she became an actor she was also a division 1 athlete.

I look at how the dancers for the teams also wear many hats in the sports industry as well. They perform on the sidelines, attend many comment gatherings and events and do charity work in the community.

Its always been a goal of mine to work in the entertainment industry.  I have always been passionate about dance and dancing for a team and coaching the team. I have a passion for music and sports that is undeniable.  I want to experience what's it like dancing for one of the teams, coaching the team,being in the music industry and being a part of the sports industry. 

I want to be the type of quintessential woman that conquers many things, I wish to exceed above and beyond.